Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A little sorry note

The poem at the end is a dedication and a little 'sorry' to someone, written by me way back in time.

In life we meet many people, we make lots of friends, some touch our hearts in a special way and very few make a place for themselves 'there', forever. And when its time to part ways we should strive to keep it amicable because the precious memories we made with these special people in our lives ought to remain special and add on to our 'sweet-memory bank'.

And in the life after we have moved on our separate ways; we can always sit back and unlock each sweet memory, relish each one like a sweet, juicy fruit on a hot summer day. When times are hard and the going is slow its each one of these memories that will act like a morale booster. It will put a smile on your face, give you the strength to move on, it will tell you that you have been good and deserve much more (good).

And think about it, we are all human and we err and more than that we have a life that cannot just stand there. So forgive, forget and move on. Make each of your relationships a special one :)

I cry for the times I made you cry
When I gave you tears not that of Joy
I sit back and think how you might have felt
At those times when I loved you
And knew not what it meant



  1. hey vish, tnks a lot. ur my greatest strength :)

  2. those words are really a person you are very humble and can be a self motivation to a lot of people..not only as a collegue but people can look through as an inspiration at you..may you spread the message of love and happiness throughout so that people who parted realise their mistake thinking they lost a good friend like you..God Bless U..

  3. Very nice! Especially the touched my heart and reminded me of someone very special.

    Good going waiting for your next post!

  4. thanks krish & rishi. i hope i am able to atleast put a smile to ur faces. tc :)
